Category Archives: Film

2014 | Our January

January has been a time for rest and taking things slow. A time for hikes and trips downtown to see a frozen solid Potomac. A time for snow days and half days and ice and delays. A time for exploration and learning. All month long I shot on my Rollei… I developed film in the sink,…

Our August | California in Film

The highlight of our last month of freedom for the summer was our California vacation. Even though we plan to go as long as we can every year, we never have enough time to see all of our family and friends. This year we tried to keep it super simple by spending as much time…

Late Summer in January

When film scans from a few straggling rolls of film left over from late summer hit your inbox in mid January (in Virginia) it is simultaneously heaven and torture. If you are like me, you are filled with longing and gratitude simultaneously… I am already sure that I am going to be slowing things down…

She | Contax | Fuji Acros

She is getting so much older every minute. So proud of her, and there is so much I want for her that it is painful. So, so much love and adoration. More film, more home developing and scanning. Contax 645, Fuji Acros film {I think I love it}.
