Late Summer in January

When film scans from a few straggling rolls of film left over from late summer hit your inbox in mid January (in Virginia) it is simultaneously heaven and torture. If you are like me, you are filled with longing and gratitude simultaneously…

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I am already sure that I am going to be slowing things down this year. I hope to get back to more film and less taking pictures all the time. I will be living more. I will be teaching what I love to my girls… the oldest has her first Diana camera and she is ready. We will start with black and white and we will develop film in the kitchen together. I am going to think long and hard about what is important to me in my work, and what will leave me the most fulfilled, primarily as an artist. I will start a new project, I know I will, I just don’t know what yet. I have it all planned out in my head… :)

These were taken on Fuji Acros 100 in my Contax 645 just before the shutter started to die, on a very overcast day in Ventura, with two slightly uncooperative subjects. As usual.
