yours. favorites. 2011- Fairfax and Loudoun County, VA, Child, Family Photographer

Going back through all of my client’s galleries for the year reminds me that 2011 has been a whirlwind of excitement, challenges, and forging new paths. To all of you who appear in the photographs above, thank you! It has been such a joy to get to know you, to be welcomed into your homes, and to explore and play with you and your children. Families are precious, and the fact that you have trusted me to capture memories of yours means more than you could know. Some of you I just met this year, and some of you I am photographing for the second, third, or fourth time. To say I am a lucky girl, is an understatement. I am just so thrilled to know you all!

These are just some of my favorite photographs taken of clients and their families in 2011 (it was horribly difficult to choose)… I’m sure you all have your own! Happy New Year, friends. I can’t wait to see what new faces I will meet in 2012…
