You Are My Wild, week 14 – Cherry Blossom edition

Cherry blossoms, oh cherry blossoms. This year our blossoms were so elusive! They bloomed about 2 weeks late, then it rained right at their peek, and then the temperatures soared, and almost immediately their leaves arrived. We had a busy week, and couldn’t sacrifice an entire evening to go to our favorite place to take our annual photographs right when the blossoms were at their prettiest. Surprisingly, it was my oldest who was most disappointed in skipping our annual cherry blossom photo session.

So we found a few sweet flowering beauties along a little side street, by a pond and one of our neighborhood schools. All it took was twenty minutes at sunset, and some frozen yogurt afterwards to create this sweet set of memories with my babes.

Naturally, one of these images was my choice of portrait for You Are My Wild this week. To see what the 13 others shared of their loves, click here.

