You Are My Wild – Portraits of our Children

Anyone who has known me in any stage of my time as an artist and photographer knows that I like making work from what is around me. My environment, the people (and animals) in my life, our lifestyle, our story. With the new year, I have been seriously wanting to take on a personal project with my girls, my world… something where I photograph consistently for the year, and hopefully longer. A weekly portrait project. When chatting with my good photographer friends Meaghan and Becky about a project for the new year, this is what I persuaded them to do with me. Take one portrait of our children, however we may see them, every week.

What is even more exciting, is that we will be sharing our weekly portraits with 10 other amazing photographers (that I truly admire), on a separate blog. It is called, “You Are My Wild” and you can find it here (or click the image above). A weekly project where 14 photographers share how they see their children. Today marks the first week of our project – there will be 49 more, at least! Please take a look and follow along with us. Joining me are Anje BridgeBecky ZellerBrooke SchwabDera FrancesIsabel FurieJessica KrausKati DimoffKlodjana DervishiMeaghan CurryRebecca ConwayRyan MarshallShelby Brakken, and Tara Whitney. I can’t wait to see where it takes us!

