pink sunsets and blossom filled sky

We had an amazing early spring warm spell last week that made me think for a minute we were going to skip over spring and run straight into summer. The plants have been confused as well. Our  gorgeous pink cherry blossom explosions came much sooner than expected causing even the Cherry Blossom Festival to be moved up a few days. I gathered up my favorite 3 people and rushed out to enjoy them as soon as I saw them coming.

Looking at these, and looking back on the photos from last year, I can’t believe how much my girls have grown and changed. I hope to go back to this same spot every year that we live here. These images are like terribly detailed and colorful pencil marks on the hallway moulding showing how much taller they have gotten. Only instead of just pencil marks on a wall, I see them shooting up and losing the baby chubbiness, I see the deepness in their eyes, their new smattering of freckles, and the little chip in W’s tooth. These photos remind me to stop and just be with them now, before their nails even grow another millimeter. To document, cherish and photograph them as much as I can. Because the pictures here are a concrete example of just how fast the time is going.
