Featured | PUBLISHED – Dreamer Journal, Fall 2014

1-kelseygerhard-dream142-JMK14-09-jpg3-kelseygerhard-dream34-kelseygerhard-dream195-kelseygerhard-dream126-JMK14-09-jpg27-kelseygerhard-dream78-kelseygerhard-dream22When Dreamer Journal invited me to create a series of images for their “Storybox” article, I truly did not know what to expect, but when I set out into the humid, dewy, late summer morning with Lu everything unfolded organically. It was so lovely to be invited to play and to push my creative boundaries. All of the submissions are so different! To see the entire spread, please check out the feature in Dreamer Journal’s Fall 2014 issue. So much creativity in one gorgeous space.




beneath the surface of the water.

beneath the growing shell a 10 1/2 year old builds to protect herself from learned realities.

beneath our worries.

there is a muffled freedom thriving.

i can feel it.

I usually use these posts to share the best images I took that month on my phone, but this round a little computer crash caused me to loose a good portion of my summer phone pictures that I had just downloaded to my computer (back up, back up, back up). BUT if gives me the opportunity to share these – a few pieces of a new project I have been holding onto. What it looks like beneath the surface.

To see what Jules Trandem has to share for her version of “What ___ Looks Like” click here. She always has some excerpts of life that will make me smile.
