Featured: National Geographic — Photo of the Day

It was pretty exciting to get an email from a senior photo editor at National Geographic saying they would like to feature this image of my Lu swimming in the pool as one of their “Photo of the Day”s on the main website.  A few weeks later and today it’s live. By the time I woke up it already had amassed over 10,000 likes on their facebook page, and 600 shares. It’s mind boggling, but I am feeling really grateful.

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Eight month old babe


I try to tell my clients that every age and stage is precious and worth photographing — not just newborn! Any time is the right time for photographs. Six to nine months is my absolute favorite, and this eight month old delight is a perfect example of why. Isn’t she just the best?

Because They Don’t Last Long


“Some things are more precious because they don’t last long” – Oscar Wilde

Since early January I have been collaborating on a new project with some old friends. I am thrilled to share it here today. It is called “Because They Don’t Last Long” and it brings together all of the previous photographers from You Are My Wild, as well as some new contributing artists, sharing short videos, writing, illustration, and of course photographs. Each of us interprets the theme in very different ways, which is the most interesting part. You can find it at: www.becausetheydontlastlong.com . I hope you enjoy following along.

Featured | PUBLISHED – Mozi Magazine’s LOVE Issue 2015

I am so happy to share that I was invited to write an article in Mozi Magazine‘s 2015 LOVE issue, sharing my 10 most heartfelt and honest tips for capturing emotion in children. While my article is the one focused solely on children, I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed the other articles. It truly is a beautiful issue, fit for the title “LOVE”.

To celebrate, and to entertain myself on this snowy, snowy day, I am GIVING AWAY a free digital copy to one lucky reader. Hooray!

To enter, simply comment on this post, click HERE to complete your entry, and you are in! Contest ends March 6th, at 12am, so don’t delay! xo

