Our September… 365-ish (with a big emphasis on the “ish”)

Last month I fell off of the 365 wagon… hard. With the start of school and numerous kid activities, a back to school cold/ear infection, plus the start of the busiest time of year for my business I just became overwhelmed. I was happy to see when I looked back this morning, however, that I had taken a few great shots at the beginning of the month and the end of the month, and they (I think) are worth a share. I just wish I had a bit more from the middle. ;) So here are twelve for September…

The last days of the pool.

Heat and cabin fever.

Bedtime with her sleep posse.

Proud artist at work.

Cleo Valentine. 70 lbs of pure puppy.

Night swimming, and diving, until the lifeguards kicked us out on Memorial Day.

The start of a Virginia fall.

School camping trip s’more making.

Posing not far from the Appalachian trail.

Happy first day of October. I hope it didn’t sneak up on you as fast as it did on me. xo
