January 10 on 10

10 photographs taken throughout one day and shared on the 10th of the month… Here we go!

veggie sausage.   beach house toys.   screen-less door.   almost empty.   santa and the mrs.   the obligatory boardwalk photograph.   run to me.   olde towne photo.   sun, wind, and grandma.   reflection.   the scary picture.   choptank.

I was so thrilled when Shannon Harrison asked me to join her 10 on 10 photography group a few months ago, with nine (yes, that makes it 10 total) other super talented ladies. 10 Photographers posting 10 (or you know … maybe 12) photographs taken throughout one day on the 10th of the month. I chose one very chilly day just before Christmas (Ok, so it was December, but ssshhhh… don’t tell) when we  shared Ocean City, MD with the California Grandma and Grandpa…

We all live in very different places and I am sure we all had very different days, so keep clicking the links to see all of the participants sharing. Next up in the circle of 10 is Gainesville, FL photographer Kristen Young and her gorgeous family!
