Featured: Beyond Snapshots: Life is a Photo Op

Last week I was so excited to be featured on the Beyond Snapshots blog in their Life is a Photo Op series! If you have followed my work for any length of time, I am sure it’s clear that to me real life is the best opportunity to make great art, so it was so awesome to be included in this wonderful series among such amazing talent. If you haven’t visited the Beyond Snapshots website before you should absolutely should. The contributors to Life is a Photo Op may only submit personal (unpaid) projects to be featured and the way each of us view our world is incredibly interesting and beautiful. Check it out!

And if you have an interest in photography and taking that camera off of auto and actually learning how to USE IT you should absolutely check out Rachel Devine and Peta Mazey’s new book also titled Beyond Snapshots. I have to tell you, I bought a copy to give as a gift and ended up keeping it for myself because it is SO informative and well written. A real gem. ;) Enjoy!
