Adeline on her second birthday

I recently had a little exchange with another photographer about photographing two year olds. She said sometimes two year olds can be so tough they strike fear in photographer’s hearts. I said they are my favorite – and it is true! Here is why…

Two year olds are stubborn and independent. They love the word “no” and pouty lips. They may run away, demand to be chased, and then refuse to get out of their mother’s arms all in an instant. They want undivided attention and they don’t fall for the “there is a fairy/fish/magician/princess” in my camera trick. They are pure, and honest, and unabashed in their emotions and with their heart. Yes, yes, yes, I love them. Truly.

This is Addie the day before her second birthday party. One tough cookie, mama loving, smart as a whip, massively adored two year old whose spirit I celebrate. She won’t be two forever…
