You Are My Wild, week 6 (and 5 and 3)

I haven’t been the best at sharing my images here every week, so here is a little catch up. Week 6 (today), Week 5, and Week 3 – the one day we had some snow.

This project has been so inspirational, and the perfect jolt of exciting energy I need every week. We have had so many great responses to our work, so many photographers wanting to join or do something like this for themselves, and so many blogs, and online magazines wanting to feature us. We could never have imagined how much this little project would touch so many, but I do know that I am extremely thankful to have this small growing collection of images, and this amazing network of friends to share them together with. Even if it is just one each week, every image is already a treasure. And we are only at week six…  See the rest of the gems at .
