Remnants of the beach – with love

I sit here with fall sessions piled up to edit, children home from school due to the impending storm, rain coming down through grey skies and wind just starting to pick up. It is the first stretch of dedicated editing time I have had in over a week, and there are very real threats of sustained power outages coming in less than 24 hours, but all I can focus on are the last photographs of Bethany Beach and Fenwick Island that I never got to share.

To us the beach in the summer, since moving back east, has meant refuge. It is peace, adventure, and escape wrapped up in sandy toes (and car/house/bed), Candy Kitchen, and giant tubs of Fisher’s popcorn. It is a place where the ocean air and humidity makes my girls’ hair curl around their faces as it did when they were tiny. It includes shaved ice, frozen custard, boardwalk strolls past bedtime, discovering courage while venturing beyond shore breaking surf, meeting up with old friends, pink sunsets, collections of shells and other treasures, afternoon romps in the pool, barbie jeep rides, ferris wheels and old time photo booths. Most of all it is a place where we have time. Time just to be – and nothing more. It’s a place we have come to treasure.

So even though we sit and wait for what is to come here in Virginia with the hurricane, and even while we prepare to get pummeled by the storms ourselves, the beaches are all I can think of. Please go easy on us Sandy…

To see more posts from Bethany Beach, Fenwick Island, and Ocean city click here, here, herehere, or here.
