16 in June

It has been rather quiet on this blog. Summer is in full swing, and that has meant heat waves, kids home, and swim team- lots and lots of swim team. I take a bit of time off in the summer to fully be with my girls. I haven’t had my “real” camera in my hands in months, it seems, but that doesn’t mean I’m not taking photographs! My iPhone 4S is always on my person, and so, as of late, it is my camera of choice. A camera of convenience, I suppose. It captures the most amazing bits of the day, every day and I am completely attached to it.

Here are my 16 favorite phone photos for June. At least I think these were all from June – I have been meaning to share for a while now. All taken with my phone and shared on Instagram (find me there if you like). See? Images are still being made… promise. And while it has seemed quiet on this blog, sessions are still being scheduled. Travel sessions have been posted (below) and I have already had a few sessions booked for each month this fall. It isn’t too early to start thinking about fall sessions! If you are dreaming of one, don’t forget to contact me and let me know.

There, now that I put that bee in your bonnet… Stay cool friends. :)
