Cleo Valentine

I mentioned in my end of the year post that we lost our dear 14 year old beloved dog Jules last summer. Jules was a devoted friend, and a gorgeous white colored yellow labrador. This winter our search for a new pup began in earnest, and I am so thrilled to share that we have adopted a spirited new puppy who is settling in (read: eating up the whole house and sucking up all of our free time) nicely!

After applying to various lab rescues and waiting months (dogs were usually not approved for young children) we decided to look elsewhere to other rescue groups. We saw this litter of “boxer lab mix” puppies online and immediately thought the light fawn colored girl was pretty cute. Cut to a visit to a rescue event at a pet store where said fawn colored girl sat in both of our daughters’ laps, sweetly snuggled and slept and we were sold. The story goes that her young litter was found in a box in the woods in West Virginia and taken to a high kill shelter there. Our rescue organization saves many dogs from those shelters and immediately took her litter into foster care in our area. By the time we met her she and her siblings were 12 weeks old.

We committed to adopt her then and there at the pet store, but had to wait a week to have our home inspected and all of our references confirmed. During that time we decided to rename her Cleo. Cleo Valentine (because she came home with us the Sunday before Valentine’s Day)! We are still all settling in together, and while we are slightly sleep deprived we already feel so lucky to have found her. If you follow me on instagram you already know she has become another main subject in my feed, but I did take a few photographs of our first week together with the real camera to share. Here you go… Miss Cleo Valentine.  :)
