mine. loves. 2011

2011 was a year of so many big developments and changes. Willa started writing her name, and for the first time I saw her as more girl than baby. Luella became an avid reader who finishes chapter books in 2-3 nights, an awesome swimmer who swam her first IM (age 7) and has surprised us with her determination, athleticism and competitiveness. In 2011, Willa officially started swimming on her own! It was also the year Lu cut her own bangs, and subsequently I took her for her first official short haircut (that she is already growing out!). 2011 was the year we doubled the size of our little suburban farm and grew enough of our own food to feed ourselves, our neighbors and friends. We also stored dozens of tomatoes, that Torrey canned himself, for winter. 2011 brought us to many beaches on both coasts, and gave our girls lots of cousin time! As usual, 2011 was a year of learning, exploration and fun wherever we went.

The biggest event for us in 2011 was the loss of our beloved Jules – our official first child and family dog extraordinaire. I couldn’t find the right photo of her to share with this post, but I will sometime soon. I have never met a dog more sweet, loving, and loyal. We will miss her forever.

Going through my photos I realized I had not taken as many pictures of my own family as I expected. 2011 was the year the iphone camera replaced my real camera the majority of the time, and that is something I want to change for 2012. Don’t get me wrong… I LOVE that little 4s, and I will share some of those phonetography instagram pics here soon, but I need to take the real deal out and photograph my own children more often. Saying it now. In print, so there is no going back! I also hope to share more personal posts here, with you all, more frequently!

So, so long 2011. It’s been real. I have enjoyed parts of you, but I am not sad to see you go… Bring on 2012!
